Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time to be accountable and stop being a victim

I feel like it is time for me to be accountable. It is never easy putting yourself out there for the world to see. Last year I did just that by being on redcarpetreadytv with Valerie Waters and her redcarpetready.com program. I had great results and lost a total of 12 pounds and found myself back at 127 pounds for the first time in about 8 years. I felt the best that I had ever felt in years. The crazy part of all this is I did this all in November in December when everyone else was celebrating the holidays! Then the new year came. While everyone else was starting their New Year's resolutions I was binging my way back up to 140 pounds. I finally had all the tools that I needed to be well on my way. I had the opportunity to workout with one of the best trainers in the world, I had created healthy eating habits and was exercising regularly. Why did I resort back to such horrible self-sabotage? I now think it was because I decided to take the role of the victim. Work was tough, I was tired, depression set in, my house always seemed dirty.....excuse after excuse after excuse!! The truth is I stopped being accountable. I became a victim. I have a friend that just had a cancer scare. She refused to be a victim. She kept working out, eating right, used her friends as support and guess what???!! She didn't end up having cancer! Of course she was scared but she kept on living her life and didn't let anything get in her way. Not even the scariest thing that anyone could go through she didn't stop!

I now have met another great trainer. Her name is Kim and her site is transfigurefitness.com. I am training differently than I did with Valerie but the principles are still the same. Workout.....but not too much, eat right, get sleep and be accountable to yourself!

I decided to start this blog because I want to be accountable to myself and really share my journey with my friends so that I not only can help myself, but I can help others.